Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Film - District 9

There aren't many South African movies that I’d go out of my way to recommend, but District 9, which I firmly believe IS a South African film, is truly worth seeing. It won't be on circuit for too much longer so you should really make a plan and get to it before it's gone forever.

I'm not going to go into much detail about what it's all about because I think the movie is even better if you don't know. I went to see it because everyone was raving, and the surprise when you find out what is what was even more rewarding because it all came out of the blue.

Here’s some info though. Yes it is a movie about aliens landing and living in a Johannesburg squatter camp, yes it does have main characters called Wikus and Kobus, yes the aliens do look like huge bi-pedal parktown prawns, and finally yes the film is written and directed by a South African, all-be-him an ex-South African. Now almost all of those ideas, intriguing as they are do put many people off the film immediately. But I promise that they are all brilliantly conceptualized and fantastically woven together in what is, to me, one of the best plotlines and story narratives I’ve ever seen.

District 9 is the perfect example of what a South African film can be like when it’s backed by Hollywoodesque money, expertise and experience. The film was produced by cinematic genius Peter Jackson, and written and directed by Neill Blomkamp. For the most part all the production staff was South African and the entire cast is South African (with a lead performance by Cape Town based Shalto Copley that’ll blow your socks off).

It’s not perfect, but it’s bloody good, and really really worth seeing. In fact it’s so good that it’s joined the hundreds of other movies on my Top 10 films of all time list.

Bottom Line Verdict: See this film!

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